Working with businesses and residents
• I WAS very disappointed to read the New Journal article (Shops fear they will be forced out by proposal to demolish ‘asbestos block,’ April 9), which I felt was inaccurate and misleading.
Over the past year, the council has been working with residents, businesses, ward councillors and community groups to develop proposals for new, environmentally sustainable homes, commercial properties and community facilities which support the needs of the local community and which address the very serious problems affecting the Chester Balmore estate.
Your article claimed that the “commercial heart” of the area is to be demolished, but failed to mention that six of the 13 shop units have been empty and for years the council has had difficulty finding businesses that want to take on these premises.
We have been working hard to make sure that the few local businesses that do occupy these shops are found alternative premises before any works are started.
All of the businesses, residents and community organisations have had information about the proposals and have had opportunities to get involved in shaping the proposals.
We have also spoken to residents in the wider community and will continue to consult so that local people’s aspirations for their homes and neighbourhood can be fully realised.
Your article also refers to “stiff opposition,” although there has been virtually no opposition to the project.
The vast majority of residents are very enthusiastic about the proposals and want new homes and services.
The only significant criticism we have heard is that it “should have been done years ago.”
The decision taken by the council’s executive takes this project much closer to being realised and is a direct response to the wishes of the local community.
We realise that there is likely to be some upheaval for residents who move out of their homes and the executive also agreed a package of compensation and assistance for all tenants and leaseholders affected by regeneration proposals.
We are continuing to work with local residents and businesses – to find solutions to transform the areas they live in, providing them with decent places to live, as well as a decent home.
Cllr Chris Naylor
Executive Member for Homes and Housing Strategy