Borough police hit the targets
• AS the group tasked with scrutinising the police and challenging their performance, I would like to express our congratulations to Camden police for an outstanding achievement in reducing crime over the past year.
In what may well be a first for any London borough, Borough Commander Dominic Clout and his team have exceeded every one of their targets in reducing crime.
Knife crime, robbery and burglary all fell by an impressive 33 per cent, 25 per cent and 22 per cent respectively, some of the best results in the capital.
Improvements in detection rates were equally impressive and it was reassuring to see that in Camden we have a detection rate of 55 per cent in reported rapes.
The detection rate in residential burglaries has also improved significantly from 14.8 per cent to 25 per cent.
And all of this has been achieved without any increases in resources.
At a time when the Met is under fire from all directions, I think the residents of Camden can be very proud of what its policing team, in partnership with the community and the Council, has been able to accomplish.
However, the economic turndown will present new challenges and I hope we will continue to work together to make Camden a safer place
to live, work and to visit.
Janine Griffis
Chair, Camden Community and Police Consultative Group