It’s time to ban tenants from keeping dogs
• CAMDEN must urgently ban council tenants from owning dogs full stop, except for the elderly, perhaps (Pet hate? New dogs crackdown, April 30).
This is the rule with most housing associations.
It simply is not manageable for housing officers to police these guys so that they feel free to break their tenancy agreement by allowing their trophy dogs off lead. They also let them defecate on the grassy areas on the estates as anyone can see. Except, it seems, council estate officers!
I see guys around with big dogs all the time. Most are unemployed by choice it appears. If such a person was out working eight hours per day how would it be possible to keep one or two big dogs in a small flat? Why does Camden collude with, and so encourage, this way of life? Why doesn’t the RSPCA become more active; surely keeping dogs in small flats is cruel.
I read that in Lambeth last year 3,000 incidents with dogs were reported. What’s the number in Camden?
Shame on those Camden councillors who did not back the proposed “dog control order”.
Perhaps they will feel differently when they, or a child member of their family, are attacked.
We are no longer able to take our kids to the local parks for reason of dogs running around off lead and especially the mess that the kids always manage to walk in. So ban dogs there too. Simple!
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