Decent Homes? Join us to fight for the resources
• I AM at a total loss as to Councillor Chris Naylor is coming from (Our aim is for Decent Homes, May 14).
He states that he is committed to the Decent Homes standards, and in the same breath he sells Camden Council properties. It seems to me that he is contradicting himself continuously about the whole situation.
Now he throws in a new plot when he states that we will lose some of the homes for a few years to the private sector, and eventually they will come back to us as housing stock.
Why did he not tell readers that those homes will be leased out for a minimum 35 years?
Why have we been told that the homes up for grabs were so badly in need of repair, that the council could not afford to repair them, but suddenly they are ok to lease to the private sector?
We have yet to hear what will become of the 18,000 people in Camden’s waiting list, who live in hostels and hotel rooms in cramped conditions, who are desperate for a home and clearly can’t get one.
Tenants have been asking Cllr Naylor to go on a joint delegation since he got voted in as a councillor, but alas he has put a deaf ear to this request.
If he genuinely wants what he states why has he refused to work in partnership with the tenants to go to government as a joint delegation?
He also mentions in his letter that he has consulted the District Management Committees about everything.
My question to him, with 33,000 council properties, is why just the DMCs, and why did he not add that the DMCs have all said no to the selling of Camden Council properties and to letting or leasing them out.
Cllr Naylor, I am not sure what world you are living in, but the tenants will never give you the mandate you think you have to do the above.
Kindly stop saying you have consulted people and making out they have agreed with your proposals because that is just not true. To make it clear to readers, we were told this would be happening; we were not consulted; there is a very big difference between consultation and dictatorship.
Cllr Naylor I challenged you at the Gospel Oak DMC to accept a joint delegation with tenants and residents to go to government and challenge them in getting the money we greatly deserve and need in Camden for the Decent Homes standards.
I am now challenging you openly to do the right thing for those people that you say you care about so much, and agree to go jointly to government with us.
Larraine Revah
Chair of Gospel Oak District Management Committee,
Aspern Grove, NW3
We need more…
• I AM very worried about the increasing anti-social behaviour of large groups of young people in Somers Town.
Day after day they have been gathering to fight each other, terrorise people, break windows, shoplift...
Of course, most young people don’t behave in this way, though sadly many residents begin to doubt this.
But my fear is not only that those who do will be allowed to get away with it but that more young people will be drawn into it, causing yet more disruption and damage and harming their own lives and those of others.
What are we doing when we let young people, who are our future, wander around the streets behaving like this?
While nothing excuses such behaviour and every step needs to be taken to make our area safe for all, including other young people.
I guess we are also seeing the results of an increasing number of young people (in ever-more overcrowded living conditions as council houses are sold off) while youth provision in our area isn’t expanding, but shrinking.
We need more not less.
Above all more detached youth workers. And what is the Liberal Democrat/ Conservative coalition doing about it, except sit on its £80million reserves?’
Samata Khatoon
Doric Way, NW1
Firms’ gain, is our loss
• WE should question the elected members of Camden Council for selling council homes off to developers who flash the cash.
Camden’s approach to maintaining its housing stock is a shambles, with shoddy workmanship, unhappy tenants and a far lesser service to its residents.
The government should not stop at the House of Commons, but root out abuse of taxpayers’ money in local government, where outside companies are being awarded contracts and reaping the benefit to the detriment of the residents and tenants of Camden
Name and address supplied, NW1