What have the tenants got to lose?
• DARE I ask how much the council tenants you spoke to recently are paying for the complete refurbishment of their homes (Furious tenants slam doors on refurbishment, May 14)?
And how much extra will they pay when their homes are at Decent Homes standard?
Was that nothing and nothing?
I expect so.
So why are they whingeing?
More than £300million is being invested in this work. Where did that come from?
More importantly, the work isn’t even finished yet, and the contractors haven’t run away from the job.
Your article clearly said they are working to remedy the faults reported and, to be frank, if the worst you can find is some work not being properly finished (yet!) and a toilet seat which is too high, well…
I had a new kitchen installed a few years ago, at my own expense, and it was several months before it was properly finished (the installation was done on behalf of an Oxford Street store, who also did not walk away).
The kitchen is the hub of most homes, and even a day or two without it is a problem.
But how else do people think they can be refurbished?
So come on, folks, let them finish the job.
What have you got to lose?
Not much, from what I read.
And yes, I do own my home. Just.
Aged 68 after using my pension policies built up over the years when I was lucky enough to be working.
Council house tenants pay much less for their houses and flats than everyone else in this country, they have much greater security and, on the whole, their properties are well maintained.
I do wish they would realise this and stop whingeing!
Name and address supplied, NW3