Attempt at humour in headline missed mark
• I WRITE to object to the headline (Rough ride! MP quizzed over cab expenses, May 14).
Having read this I half expected to find that Frank Dobson MP was putting in some dodgy claims. Much to my relief, the text which followed told us that he usually travels by bus to Parliament, and when he does take a taxi he pays for it himself. Your headline was at best a misplaced and unsuccessful attempt at humour, and at worst a cynical attempt to imply impropriety where none existed.
In the current climate, where MPs’ reputations are being shredded on a daily basis, I think the local press has a responsibility not to play fast and loose with the issue of expense claims. I suggest the next time you are reporting information of this nature you make sure the large letters at the top your story have some relationship with the small letters that follow it.
Charlotte Hughes
Leighton Road, NW5