Thanks for publicising threat to project
• YOU have reported on the threat that the Calthorpe Project was put under by the Liberal Democrat/Conservative administration that runs Camden wanting to sell a large plot of it off to a private developer.
Following your report there was considerable opposition from local parents, young people and other longstanding residents in King’s Cross all strongly of the view that we must cherish local green areas like the Calthorpe Project and that selling it off to the highest bidder was highly inappropriate.
I am pleased to report that in the face of this local opposition the shame-faced Lib Dems have back-tracked on this sell-off.
With plans afoot to sell off community buildings and green spaces across the borough it is a valuable lesson that the Town Hall will only change their minds when shamed with publicity through protest by local residents.
I wish to thank the New Journal for help publicising the threat against the Calthorpe and would urge everyone to remain vigilant as the Lib Dems seem intent on flogging off more of the family silver and our communities’ assets
Cllr Geethika Jayatilaka
Labour, King’s Cross ward