Boxing club could move to an ideal site
• ONE reads with concern that our local St Pancras Boxing Club in Talacre Road is among the properties in Camden about to be auctioned (Get ready for the sale of the century, June 25).
The club is a popular amenity. However, the old shed-like structure is unsightly and outmoded.
Much as the land on Talacre Road is crying for redevelopment for a housing scheme, it would still leave the problem of finding a new home for the club. Anything else would be unfair and contrary to the Unitary Development Plan which states the council will not grant planning permission for development that results in the loss of a community use.
Would it not be possible to sell the land with the proviso that the boxing club must be rebuilt on the site, either on ground level or basement, and housing allowed above?
Alternatively it should be relocated locally. Ideal would be the old Travellers’ site on Dalby Street.
But wait a minute, isn’t that part of the proposed site of the Dalby Street seven-storey building in front of the Talacre Community Sports Centre which has been so controversial?
Yes, it is. But who knows whether that mad scheme with its cramped site, interference with the sports centre access, traffic marshals employed from dawn to late at night and all its other flaws will ever see the light of day?
If it doesn’t, then the former Travellers’ site would be a sensible location. The boxing club’s proximity to the Sports Centre would mean that the whole of the Talacre area would be dedicated to leisure.
Celine La Freniere
Talacre Road, NW5
Best value?
• “MISSED the boat” springs to mind when reading that Camden Council plans a big property sell-off (Get ready for the sale of the century, June 25).
The property market is in the doldrums whatever are the blandishments of self-interested auctioneers, estate agents and property companies.
For Sale and To Let signs are everywhere.
Islington Council had its property clear-out near and at the top of the property boom.
Camden will need to compare valuations with what comparable properties in neighbouring Islington realised in the last few years. If there are big gaps (highly likely) then delay would be the best policy. Councillor Ralph Scott, resources chief, says “property in Camden is holding up well”. How well people need to know.
The opposition will have to demand what an investigation of comparable figures discloses so that residents may decide whether Cllr Scott is achieving best value.
In some cases, it might be best to demolish a building that is expensive to maintain or guard, and hold on to the site.
It is the land that is the prime asset. More can’t be manufactured.
Dufferin Street, EC1