Working together lesson
• IT is fair to say that councillors and would-be councillors drive us all to distraction, with their bickering filling up letters pages in our local press.
The primary school places issue has become another opportunity for individuals from all parties to apportion blame rather than take responsibility or give credit where credit is due.
Whether or not you agree with his approach, Councillor Alexis Rowell has been tirelessly at the forefront of the primary school campaign in Belsize.
Its resolution should give us cause for celebration, not accusation and self-promotion.
I should very much like to get Labour’s Sean Birch, new Conservative Nigel Rumble (Letters, July 23) and the much-maligned Cllr Rowell together for a debrief on the campaign and some constructive thoughts on working together in the future. Available places, anyone?
Fellows Road, NW3