What plan?
• WEST Hampstead Amenity and Transport, along with other local organisations, has been pressing our councillors to take seriously concern about the future of community buildings in West Hampstead.
We welcome the purchase of the community hall in Broomsleigh Street. At our recent area forum, we were promised a full strategic review of buildings in the area which could be open to community use. We were also promised local people would be involved in a stakeholder group.
Two weeks have passed, but nothing has happened. The hall will be shut this autumn but there will be no meeting about its new layout until a contractor is appointed. Officers will not be involved. We have no information about where we can meet, although at the area forum groups meeting in the hall were promised that help would be given. The strategy review and stakeholder group of local people has yet to materialise in any form.
Did we have the wool pulled over our eyes? Is there any plan at all?
Chair WHAT, NW6