Checking on tenants
• WITH regard to the report relating to the elderly gentleman who was found dead in his home (Pensioner ‘could have been lying there for months’, July 16).
Am I correct in hearing that he lived in a sheltered accommodation flat and a warden was concerned about the flies etcetera emanating from his home?
I find this incredulous. Surely an elderly person chooses to live in sheltered flats because they will receive appropriate support and activities to increase their social interaction or at the very least raise an alarm in an emergency.
Isn’t the role of a scheme warden to check on the tenants who live in the flats he or she is supposed to manage?
How can a person be dead for such a length of time without those responsible for the health and wellbeing of their tenants not be aware of it.
I would understand it if he lived in a block of flats that were densely populated and left to himself with the decline of community support in our neighbourhoods, but to live in a sheltered home where this happens is disgraceful. This should be investigated.
Kentish Town