Short-cut in the balance
• SALLY Gimson (Will passage short-cut remain closed? July 30) asks why the passage between Regis Road and Arctic Street is closed and implies that council officers are to blame.
In fact, the streets management team have put in a lot of work attempting to deliver this amenity for residents on a permanent basis and share her current frustration, as do councillors.
Regis Road is a private road owned by Asphaltic and it is they who installed the fence (pictured), on their own land.
As Ms Gimson states, the council is in negotiation with them about permanent access. It has expressed willingness to invest in safety and security features if a long-term agreement with Asphaltic can be negotiated.
Unfortunately, Asphaltic are apparently unwilling to support the link at present. We hope to persuade Asphaltic that the amenity will become as popular with their tenants and their employees as with the wider Kentish Town community, delivering a win-win for all parties.
Liberal Democrat, Kentish Town ward