Protests against Veolia
• I WELCOME your report about Camden Council’s new cleaning contract (Cleaning ‘monopoly’ claim as firm wins estates contract, July 23).
Camden’s councillors must be fully aware of the groundswell of active protest against Veolia which has been raised all across Europe on both ethical and commercial grounds.
Being a partner in consortium which builds a light railway system that links Israel to illegal Jewish settlements in the West Bank, Veolia has been the subject of intensive campaign across Europe aiming to exclude the company from bidding for commercial contracts.
So far the company has lost more that $7billion in contracts owing to the ongoing campaign.
Unfortunately a deputation of Camden Palestinian Solidarity Campaign, which aimed to put the case against Veolia to the full meeting of Camden Council on April 20 was turned down on the grounds that “it is not considered that the actions of Veolia in East Jerusalem and Maale Adumin settlement were matters in which the local authority had functions or which directly affected the area over which Camden had jurisdiction”.
I hope that the decision of Town Hall chiefs to extend Veolia’s contract without considering its ethical, social and economic implications will now lead to an active protest among the residents of Camden.
Furthermore it is hoped that the representative unions (Unison and GMB) will insist on a judicial review of the Town Hall’s indefensible decision to award Veolia an extended contract.
Ruth tenne
Goldhurst Terrace, NW6