Advice bureau will be open for longer hours
• WE recognise the enormous value that the citizens advice service provides to residents.
It is precisely because we need to increase the opening hours and scale of that service that our Kentish Town CAB needs to close temporarily for urgent refurbishment.
The premises are currently in a terrible state of repair and any closure will only be short-term. This is planned to allow for investment and upgrading of the facilities to improve the service.
The team based there will continue to provide a service from other premises while the refurbishment work is conducted.
We will be sharing information about the closure with staff and the public as soon as it is possible to do so and Jo Shaw’s accusation that we are leaving local people “in the dark” (Letters, August 13) is ill-judged and unfounded. The exact scope of the works needed are still being planned and if there is any way we can shorten the period of any closure or otherwise minimise the impact on service users, we will do so.
The trustees are restructuring the service provided in Camden in order to allow increased access for residents and to increase the number of people we can help. The refurbished bureau will be open for longer hours.
Trustee Board
Camden Citizens Advice Bureaux