Pair of swans found dead in Heath pond
Probe after protected birds are pulled from water
AN investigation has been launched by the Heath constabulary after two dead swans were pulled from the boating pond on Sunday.
The pair, who were not part of the record-breaking nine-strong brood that were born three months ago, were discovered in the Highgate pond after being spotted by walkers.
So far post mortem results have proved inconclusive, but tests are ongoing at the Royal Veterinary College in Royal College Street, Camden Town.
It is expected that as part of their investigation, vets will test for bird flu.
A spokeswoman for the City of London, the Heath management body, said they believe the swans were ill before they flew into the Heath and it is just a matter of time before vets identify their mystery illness.
The cygnets born in May are fine as are the ducks and other wildlife in the pond, she added.
Initially it was feared the swans – a species who are owned and protected by the Queen – could have been the victim of foul play, and fishermen were interviewed during investigations by Heath rangers.
However, the spokeswoman said that line has been all but ruled out and insisted the anglers were always treated as witnesses rather than suspects. They had been there all day and might have seen something, she said, although following constabulary inquiries, it emerged they hadn’t.
The water has been tested and meets recommended guidelines.
The spokeswoman added: “The investigation is ongoing but so far there have been no significant findings and there is no evidence of foul play. “It appears that they may have been affected prior to arrival at the ponds. “The water quality has been tested and it is within the recommended guidelines. “We have taken advice from the Royal Veterinary Society and the Environmental Agency who have said we should keep the pond open.” |