Public breastfeeding shows contempt for others’ rights
• BREASTFEEDING is “natural” (Women must fight for breastfeeding, August 20).
So is urinating, fornicating, and sporting an untrimmed beard. Breastfeeding in public space is forcing those sharing that space into the position of voyeur, unwittingly and unwillingly required to observe an intimate activity played out in public.
If I intrude into your private space, and come upon you making love, playing with yourself, or breastfeeding, I have a strong awareness of having transgressed, and withdraw.
You do me violence when you seek to force me to witness your private acts, and this is why breastfeeding in public is not only narcissistic, but contemptuous of the feelings and indeed rights of others to enjoy public space unmolested.
London, W2
Your comment
Here Here!!!Keep it covered, is what I saw. As a mother myself I do not see why women feel the need to lob out their breasts in public...if you need to feed your children then at least give us poor peopel surrounding you warning!!! or cover yourself up. Yes it's natural but so are many things that just arent and shouldn't be done in public. I have no more desire to watch a baby have its nappy changed in public than I do to watch a mother breastfeed!! Breastfeeding can be done discretely anywhere, it doesn't have to be done in full public view for all to see!!!
Sarah Ward |