Tackling climate change
• I’D like to reassure the letter writer (Raise the bar on climate targets, September 10) that Camden Council is completely committed to tackling climate change.
That’s why we have committed an extra £6million since July 2008 to protect the environment at a local level. This is the council’s widest strategy yet with ambitious plans to create a low-carbon and low-waste borough.
This week we underlined that earlier commitment by joining other councils, residents and businesses all across the country to take part in the new 10:10 campaign, which aims to cut CO2 emissions in 2010.
As your correspondent points out this pledge is an important move to show we are committed to providing leadership. We are proud to make this public commitment and hope as many people as possible are inspired to follow suit.
But this is just one important part of the whole package of green measures we do to help our residents live better, healthier and more environmentally sustainable lives.
Among our wide-ranging works to reduce carbon emissions at good value for money are plans to making homes in Camden as efficient as possible through an expanded insulation programme for households, increased support for car clubs in the borough – which is just one of many initiatives in our comprehensive green transport strategy – and the soon-to-be-launched new environmental advice service.
The council has a strong record on tackling climate change and reducing carbon emissions and that will continue through 2010 and beyond.
Cllr Keith Moffitt
Leader Camden Council |