Here-and-there 20mph limits are not enough
• I AM very pleased a campaign is to be launched to introduce 20mph speed limits across the whole of King’s Cross.
Applying limits to just one street here and there has had limited effect on the culture of driving.
Motorists passing through our area do not seem to realise it’s residential and that they are making our life hell.
I am backing the King’s Cross Liberal Democrats’ campaign and any other to that same effect, and hope that there can be all-party support for the idea. In the past Labour King’s Cross was also trying to make representations on this issue and one hopes that the Tory’s greened-up party will be the missing link.
I hope that the 20mph speed limit is applied to all residential roads, including those controlled by Transport for London.
Acton Street, where I live, is used as a race track. But TfL has refused to entertain the idea of lowering the speed limit, despite other progressive cities in the UK and elsewhere having successfully introduced 20mph speed limits on busy roads used as bus routes.
Camden should take on TfL and ask them to demonstrate why the limit on streets such as Acton Street and Swinton Street should be higher than what is becoming the norm in residential neighbourhoods.
Lib Dems King’s Cross state that “Twenty’s Plenty”, and indeed it would at a stroke make our neighbourhood a much better place to live in.
Acton Street, WC1
• I AM pleased to hear that Fitzjohns Road (New 20mph limit for danger road, September 10) is to have a 20mph speed limit with speed cameras funded by TfL rather than humps to control speeds.
Green Party councillors all over London are seeking to have such measures introduced. In Camden many of our quieter residential streets have such speed limits but there are many roads that are not controlled in this way. This needs to change.
Research shows that at speeds of 20mph and below the risk of fatalities on our roads is considerably reduced.
Making this change also helps with getting more people walking and cycling to work and school. And cameras rather than speed humps have the potential to control speeds without the noise and disturbance caused by street humps.
Green Party, Highgate ward
Busy roads
• RATHER than odd little pockets of roads with a limit of 20mph, we believe it would be much more effective if this were the norm throughout the area south of Euston Road.
Families live on very busy roads like Acton Street and Swinton Street. Many pedestrians and drivers are visitors who are in unfamiliar surroundings.
Of course, there will be some people who ignore the limit, they already go at more than 30mph.
But if the traffic lights are phased for 20mph the speedsters will be caught out and most will at least go more slowly than they do at present.
Around the country Liberal Democrat councils are introducing 20mph without humps in wide areas.
We believe that King’s Cross and Bloomsbury are special and deserve the best for residents and visitors alike.
The Twenty’s Plenty petition can be found at: //kingscrosslibdems.wordpress.com/
Heathcote Street, WC1