RIP Albie
• I HAD the privilege of meeting Albie Fiore for the first time at the Acol Bridge Club, West End Lane, circa May 1989 (Obituary September 10).
He agreed to be my partner for the evening. Briefly, we introduced ourselves, and he told me that he was dedicated to children’s “games and puzzles”, and that he was resident in the Holborn area.
We agreed to play a certain system which, not unpredictably, turned out to be an unmitigated, but humorous disaster. Throughout the evening, he struck me as being an “oddball” character, but I shudder to think what he thought of me.
Thereafter I saw Albie at the club very rarely.
Somehow I guess he was hiding his “light under a bushel”, and this was duly confirmed by your excellent obituary of him. Rest in peace, Albie.
Harry Rose
Doyle Gardens, NW10