Climate and Christianity
• IT was great to see (Bless all creatures, October 8) the fabulous pictures of the Blessing of Pets which took place in the garden at Our Lady Help of Christians on the Feast of St Francis.
Your report suggested we ignored St Francis’s other specialities including the environment. For the record, the Blessing of Pets took place as part of a whole weekend of events around the environment, issues of sustainability, and climate change. We had talks at every service, Fairtrade goods for sale, and a lecture by the major climate change campaigner Mark Dowd of Operation Noah launching the weekend on October 2.
The weekend was organised by a small group of individuals active in the parish, taking our cue from
St Francis and eager to encourage and inspire care for our world, and all living creatures.
Judy Dixey
Chair, Climate Change is a Christian Issue, Our Lady Help of Christians
Kentish Town, NW5