Oppose online cuts
• I AM concerned about Camden Council’s proposal to slash their funding for a vital resource.
UK Online Centres in Camden provide local residents with help into employment, skills training and free use of the internet. Many residents rely on the services the centres provide. Despite this, the council is threatening significantly to cut their funding for Camden UK Online centres by £170,000 from April 2010.
This represents a huge 82.5 per cent cut and will lead to the closure of many of these centres.
I personally disagree with these cuts to Camden UK Online centres because, as a senior citizen user of the Shell Centre, I cannot believe the amount of knowledge I have gained through learning IT skills. And I am not alone! The young, the old and even people wishing to return to work are benefiting.
These closures and cuts in services will hit the most vulnerable and needy communities in Camden. They will no longer have available to them free computer skills training, English classes and help with numeracy and literacy. These classes are vital in helping local residents develop key skills to improve their employment prospects.
I urge the council to rethink. Sign the online petition at: www.ipetitions.competition/supportcamdenukonline-stop-the-c/signatures.html
Philip Oman
Stevenson House, NW8