Scandal behind care home deal
I WAS pleased to see the coverage given to the investigation launched by Islington Council into its contracts with Care UK and the circumstances surrounding the slashing of the wages of staff who work for that company (Probe launched into care staff wages cut, February 23).
I was shocked to discover the obscene contrast between the salaries and various perks enjoyed by Care UK’s directors and the wages of staff in their... > more |
Action now might save lives - THE hilly section of Hornsey Rise, at the crossroads with Hornsey Rise Gardens and Cromartie Road, Holloway, is dangerous... > more
Poor marks - THE Audit Commission annual report into the performance of Islington Council has again pointed the finger at the dreadful deal we are getting... > more
Cuts are courting trouble - MARTIN Seel, of the Legal Service Commission, seems to miss the point behind the action taken by criminal defence solicitors... > more
Call a halt to growth - WHY must London’s economy continue to grow, as your correspondent from Network Rail says (How we can limit impact of... > more
Two months to mend a leak - I PURCHASED my one-bedroom flat in April, 2006, and had I known then what I know today about Homes for Islington (HfI) I would... > more
Invest rent surplus in estates - STEPHEN Mullin asks how the Independent Working Class Associaiton would “fund the borrowing requirement for Islington’s... > more
Ban means jobs go up in smoke - I DEPLORE the announcement that the Essex Road Mecca bingo hall faces closure as a result of the Labour government’s... > more
Labour rebels just keep Blair in power - I VERY much support Peter Thomas’s view that we’ll get more of the same Blairite ways of governing when Gordon Brown... > more |