Reckless to put up these masts
• IT is almost two weeks since a massive crane arrived mere yards from my house. Within two days, three mobile phone masts were erected on the roof of the Arsenal Tavern in Blackstock Road.
This was without any prior warning. No notification, no consultation, no discussion with businesses, residents or, it would seem, with the three local primary schools or nursery.
An independent scientist who has extensive experience of the effects of microwave technology (mobile phone masts) states that health problems include eight types of cancer.
The highest incidence occurs in female night workers who develop breast cancer.
This is followed by women in general developing any of the eight cancers, then children, men, the elderly and the sick.
To erect these masts in such a highly-residential area is grossly reckless, particularly so near to a large density of children in the primary and nursery schools.
I heard a lawyer state that this is a possible civil rights issue.
I still have not heard an outcry from our councillor on this matter.
Canning Road, N5 |