Let’s hear it for our noise team
• I WOULD like to give some public recognition to Islington Council’s noise team, who have made our nights more peaceful.
Our problem came from a hotel which last year changed its rubbish collection contract so that the skip was taken away full at 1.30am or later and brought back empty an hour or two later.
The reason was obvious: to cut costs by avoiding daytime traffic. But the rear entrance from which the collection is made is in a quiet residential street and the noisy operation would regularly wake us in the middle of the night.
My complaints to the hotel and to the waste contractors were fruitless until I took the case to the noise team. They were also rebuffed and, at their suggestion, we submitted a log of times at which we were disturbed.
With that evidence, the council official concerned pursued the case with great determination.
We were kept well informed of progress and were told that, if necessary, a council officer would spend a night on the scene to verify the evidence.
Those responsible were soon persuaded that it was in their interests to authorise some additional expense.
The rubbish is now removed during daytime hours. That’s a result! I congratulate Islington Council and its officials for a job well done.
(Address supplied) WC1