Cyclists welcome warning signs on heavy lorries
ISLINGTON cyclists have welcomed a new campaign by Transport for London (TfL) to help cut the risks posed by heavy vehicles.
Two women cyclists have died in accidents with lorries in the past three weeks.
Ford’s lorry drivers, who travel millions of miles in the UK every year, have joined forces with TfL to help make roads safer for cyclists by displaying warning signs on the back of more than 2,000 vehicles.
The signs, which have been developed by TfL, carry the message: “Cyclists – beware of passing this vehicle on the inside”.
They are designed to warn cyclists of the dangers when lorries are turning left. Drivers are not always able to see cyclists between their vehicles and the kerb.
In addition to the partnership with Ford, TfL is launching the latest stage of its Share the Road campaign, which encourages all road users to be aware of others.
A new poster, which features a cyclist and a lorry, asks lorry drivers to take care when turning left and warns cyclists to be aware of large vehicles. The poster will be displayed throughout London.
Other posters ask drivers to give cyclists space and urge cyclists to stop at red lights.