Camera talkback appeal
WOMEN are being asked for their views on “talking” CCTV cameras.
The survey is being undertaken by Women’s Design Service, based in Finsbury. A pilot scheme in Middlesbrough has brought complaints about overbearing camera operators aggressively telling people to pick up litter.
Women’s Design Service director Wendy Davis said: “We want to find out if it’s just us thinking ‘oh my god’ about these cameras. I think it’s really creepy myself but we will reserve judgement until we hear back from people.” To contribute to the debate, email Hannah Carty at hcarty@wds.org.uk.
The charity wants to set up a group of 20 female volunteers who would discuss design and safety issues monthly. An open day will be held on May 22 at its offices at Tindlemanor, 52-54 Featherstone Street. For more details, call 020 7490 5210.