Beware of ‘sexed-up’ reports
• CHRIS Graham is wrong to deny that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) sexes up its reports (Climate fears go global, April 27).
In March, the Scientific Alliance, a group of scientists who take a more cautious approach to climate change theory, complained that the IPCC’s Summary for Policymakers (SPM), the news media-orientated summary of the forthcoming fourth IPCC report, is weirdly setting the tone for the rest of the science report.
The IPCC itself declared the full report has been revised to “ensure consistency with the SPM”. As the Scientific Alliance said, it is unprecedented to release a summary and then alter the report on which it is based.
“To make matters worse, the SPM is a politically-orientated document which has not been agreed by the majority of scientists in the working group,” says the Scientific Alliance.
Now, who writes the SPM? I do believe it is government-appointed scientists. And who has most to gain from continually blaming us for climate change? I do believe it is government, with its plans for taxing our carbon emissions. Hmmm, makes the influence of oil companies seem weak in comparison, when you have agents of government re-writing the work of scientists to make it fit their vision of global catastrophe.
The last time government was accuse of “sexing up” its evidence was in order to convince us that it was necessary to go to war against Iraq.
Now, it looks like government-appointed scientists are “sexing up” environmental reports to make us believe it is necessary to fight a war against carbon emissions. Islington residents beware.
Highbury, N5 |
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