Is this school beating Eton?
• I AGREE with Leo Chapman when he says that Golden Lane Campus is a slightly absurd name for the new buildings on the Prior Weston Primary School site (Let’s find another name for campus, May 25).
However, of more concern surely is the staff-pupil ratio. Apparently, the premises will house 420 pupils and 158 staff.
I make it that this gives a pupil-to-staff ratio of 2.65:1. As someone who attended primary school with 48 in a class, I find this rather astounding.
I realise that education has changed over the years and that special needs care children require extra supervision, but the whole operation does seem very labour intensive.
I understand the pupil-teacher ratio at Eton College is 10:1 and, while I am unaware of what the staff-pupil ratio is, I find it hard to believe Golden Lane could actually have a better ratio than Eton.
Seems to me that staff costs at Golden Lane are likely to be sky high. Perhaps the campus should have retained the name of the children’s centre previously on the site – Fortune Park!
Ben Jonson House
Barbican, EC2 |
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