Labour, the war party
• SO Islington slips further off the map of national politics as its most famous former resident ends his reign as Prime Minister.
Let’s hope the new man addresses the blight of the Iraq war by establishing a proper open full inquiry without concealing the facts behind national security excuses.
We desperately need to learn the truth to restore any trust and confidence in elected government.
We won’t know for some time if Blair has so damaged the Labour Party that it loses the next general election but I, for one, won’t be supporting it or its local candidates. It doesn’t matter whether or not they voted for the war. They are part of the majority that enabled Blair to do it.
You can change the label on the can but you can’t change the lies about the war, the sleaze about cash for peerages or damage done to the NHS.
And every time a Labour councillor starts moaning about the council, you have to ask yourself: have they no shame, self-awareness or sense of just how much damage they and their party have done to the country?
Wedmore Street, N19 |
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