Freedom of information could start in MP’s offices
• I SMILED with cynicism on reading that MP Jeremy Corbyn is alarmed by the proposed amendment to The Freedom of Information Act (Just what have we got to hide from the public? May 25).
Perhaps he should put his own house in order first so that he may not be accused of hypocrisy?
Thinking of moving from one part of Islington to another and having formed a good enough opinion of Mr Corbyn from the pages of the Tribune to have voted for him, I telephoned to ask which area he covered exactly and what were his surgery times. I had innocently thought these were matters of public knowledge, even though his website fails to show them.
The person who answered the phone refused to give me any indication of the boundaries to Mr Corbyn’s constituency or to enlighten me as to his surgery times.
She said that, after I moved house and if, by chance, I had alighted in Mr Corbyn’s area, I would, upon application, receive the aforesaid information.
Last year my MP, Emily Thornberry, disappointed me with her inaccessibility.
Now, Mr Corbyn, too, has been “responsible for reinforcing the negative opinions that abound about MPs”.
Shame on this member, especially when “voter commitment is at an all-time low” Be a little more free with your own information, sir.
Half Moon Crescent, N1
• ECHOING Jeremy Corbyn’s article, I wonder how many of your readers know that an impending change to the code of conduct that applies to councillors relieves them of the current necessity to report any breaches of the code of which they may become aware?
(Address supplied) N1 |
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