Poll a foregone conclusion
• NOW that the residents’ parking permit referendum voting paper has dropped through my letter box, I notice that the emotive way the question is worded – “Should the cost of a residents’ (sic) parking permit depend on how much the car pollutes?” – has been designed to garner more “yes” votes.
A more sensible and balanced form of wording would be to say “….depend on the car’s CO2 emissions”, and let residents work things out for themselves.
This move by the council, after eagerly taking its cue from the likewise Lib Dem-controlled Richmond Council, is nothing more than a public relations exercise designed to show a respect for democratic processes, when really the result of this referendum is a forgone conclusion.
They needn’t have spent taxpayers’ money on printing and distributing thousands of voting forms. It won’t dissuade any residents from owning a certain class of car and is nothing more than a novel means of raising more revenue.
Highbury Crescent, N5 |
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