The paper to trust
• HAS anyone else been struck by the differing reports on the front pages of two free papers? The June issue of The Londoner’s headline is “More police lead to drop in crime” whereas the Tribune photograph (June 1) shows a distressed resident looking through a broken, reinforced window, with the headline: “Youths’ Sunday rampage – police work one in three weekends.”
The Londoner is no more than Ken Livingstone’s regular self-exaltation exercise. There is nothing in it except articles praising the Mayor and his Assembly. Even the letters appear to be carefully selected to weed out any that cannot be answered with a denial or “this is something we are already dealing with”.
The worst thing about it is that it is not free at all. We Londoners are paying for it, like it or not.
On the other hand, the Tribune appears to be informative and well-balanced, publishing both sides of arguments, as well as having an interesting Review section. I know which paper’s statements I am inclined to believe. It isn’t the one I am having to pay for.
Oakley Road, N1 |
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