Threats to our bus pass
• COUNCILLOR John Gilbert has a nerve to say that Ken Livingstone is a threat to our Freedom Pass (It’s Ken who’s a threat to Freedom Pass, June 22).
The council has been whingeing over a long period about the cost of the pensioners’ bus pass, not least talking about the cost to council tax-payers.
Does he not know that pensioners form a large percentage of council tax-payers in Islington?
He must also be aware that the London councils, largely dominated by the Tories and supported by the Lib Dems, have been endeavouring to get a bill through Parliament to take away Ken’s use of the Guarantee Fund, which ensures the scheme continues in the event of some councils not paying the amount needed to cover the cost of the Freedom Pass.
There is no question of the Mayor “dictating” to councils what they must pay, but it is true that our council will use any means to cut its council tax bill, even if it means withholding funds for the Freedom Pass.
Islington Pensioners Forum
• THE Yellow Bus number 812 is a great help to Freedom Pass users. Sadly, not enough people use this service, which runs from Bridport Place in Hoxton to Chapel Market every 30 minutes.
Some people are of the impression it is only for the disabled but this is not the case.
Rotherfield Street, N19
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