Carers shunted into corridor
• I WAS really appalled when I came into Whittington Hospital the other Thursday to find that Islington Carers’ Forum stall had been shunted into the Whittington Court area of the hospital, tucked away from the main concourses used by most visitors and patients. It was also hot and unsafe, since the stall was sited in the corridor.
It is really important that the millions of (unpaid) carers in this country who look after friends and relatives are aware they are, in fact, carers, and as such have rights.
The Whittington (hopefully) informs these people on the wards that this is the case and that Carers’ Forums in Camden and Islington can provide them with advice, and that they may be entitled to financial support.
Carers Week provided an additional opportunity to meet hidden or unaware carers.
But the management of the hospital informed the stall staff they were unable to place the stall where the Friends of the Whittington have their stalls because it was against the wishes of the private finance initiative (PFI) managers. Shunting the stall into the Whittington Court area obviously enabled fewer people to be drawn to the stall and informed about being a carer. In other words, the PFI (and the hospital) has shown a total disregard for the importance of carers.
This was an annual and national opportunity to raise the profile of carers and the institutions that support them.
Whittington Hospital failed us. This is a disgrace.
Management committee, Islington Carers’ Forum
Deborah Goodhart, of Whittington Hospital, replies: “We’re sorry that Shirley felt she was shunted out of the main concourse. “I understand this was due to fire regulations in the new building. Apparently, stalls in the atrium must be manned by Whittington staff capable of managing the area in the event of a fire. “The situation is not as critical in the food court, where she was. “I hope the stall was a success despite not being where the Carers’ Forum expected to be. I know several people told me how good it was.” |
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