Youth violence an issue for all of us
• TRIBUNE coverage of the sad and shocking killing of Martin Dinnegan in Tollington Way, Holloway, last week was important to me (Riot cops stop ‘gang revenge’, June 29).
I live in Tollington Way. My 12-year-old son walked past that corner that evening. So I wanted to know what happened.
I noted the comments Martin’s mother made on TV about the importance of the community.
We, as a community, must work together to stop this violence.
We may not be able to make a lot of difference, but we must not just shut our doors and hope it will go away.
Police action is important. So is youth work. Bored and excluded teenagers are likely to cause trouble.
If other people are also concerned about this I hope they will get in touch with me at the address below, either to tell me about what is happening or to work to make sure something will happen.
33 Tollington Way, N7
• EVERYONE’S heart will go out to the family and friends of Martin Dinnegan. Earlier last week, walking home at night, I passed two girls arguing at a bus stop. I was horrified to see one of them had a knife. I called 999, the police came immediately, and the girls were safe. It could have been very different.
Anyone who has worked with young people knows how quickly teenage tempers can flare, how passionate young people feel. That passion can be a force for good, but, with a knife in hand, a moment’s rage is deadly, and so many lives can be destroyed in an instant.
It’s good to know Islington Council is funding extra police officers to work with young people and schools. The summer holiday youth programmes will soon be under way. But keeping our young people safe is not just a matter for schools, police and youth clubs. It’s for all of us.
Too often we focus on the minority who cause trouble instead of looking out for the rest. Too often young people are just seen as a problem or a political football. If we can set partisan arguments aside, and as a community value and respect our young people, and help them respect and value each other, then perhaps some good can come out of this tragedy.
Morton Road, N1 |
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