Bus that’s too good to miss
• LAWRENCE Hatch points out that the 812 bus is not just for the slightly disabled person; it can be hailed by anyone along its route (Threats to our bus pass, June 29).
Children travel for free and those not holding a Freedom Pass pay £1. This route is useful in its own right and also for allowing a linking-up with the red bus routes, thereby creating extended bus travel.
To find out the exact route and times of the 812 bus just hail it whenever it passes. The drivers are happy to hand out leaflets giving detailed information.
You can, of course, telephone 020 7275 2400 or write to customer services at Ash Grove Bus Depot, Mare Street, Hackney E8 4RH.
The hail-and-ride service differs from the dial-a-ride service, which a person has to telephone for and which operates as a taxi service, suited for more severely disabled people.
The 812 bus service encourages older people to be more independent and mobile, which is beneficial for their mental and physical health. Furthermore, this service is particularly suited to those with large shopping trolleys as it can accommodate up to five trolleys at a time while allowing passengers to be seated.
Three trolleys can be situated at the three front seats and two more in the space immediately behind the driver’s seat, where they are secured by a large strap so their owners can also be seated. Drivers are willing to assist with heavy shopping and to operate the ramp if requested.
To make the 812 bus service even more efficient, there should be benches along its route allowing people to sit while waiting for the bus as is provided along the red bus routes, which are for passengers who are generally much younger.
These benches should be for the community’s use as well as for bus passengers and would help encourage those who feel stuck in the house to come outside and enjoy the fresh air.
Packington Street, N1 |
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