School staff fears
• IT has come to the attention of Islington Trades Union Council that catering staff employed at Islington schools are not being consulted in a dignified way on transfer to a new company in September.
In most schools the privatised school cooks and catering staff are being transferred from Scolarest to Caterlink.
Staff have raised concern over their Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) rights, pension scheme, union rights and the refusal of Caterlink to make arrangements for staff to pay union subs through the payroll, a clear sign that union membership is discouraged.
As most school catering staff are Unison or GMB members who are affiliated to Islington Trades Union Council, we will not stand by and see workers who have given loyal service treated in this way. People at work deserve dignity and respect. The council should examine these contracts before they hand staff over to companies such as Caterlink.
Secretary, Islington Trades Union Council
Gary Heather
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