Older gay men are living with traumas of the past
• I WAS really pleased to read the feature by Illtyd Harrington (The Long March to Sexual Freedom, July 20), which highlighted the long struggle that gay men and lesbian women have had for equality and greater public acceptance.
We are lucky to live in a cosmopolitan capital city which celebrates gay culture at a time of increased understanding. However, it is important not to get complacent about the past and the traumatic experiences faced by older gay people.
For many men, a time when homosexuality was a punishable offence, when hate crimes went unpunished and the police were unsupportive is all too recent in their memories.
Men who have lived in a climate of fear and shame around their sexuality may have very different experiences and issues than many younger gay men today.
Age Concern Camden’s older gay men’s group has gone from strength to strength since it was launched in September 2005, and now meets on the second and last Tuesday of each month at Henderson Court Resource Centre, Hampstead.
The group is very important for older gay men, providing a supportive environment which helps to combat isolation, raises awareness of relevant organisations and services in Camden and organises events and activities.
The next event is a summer party to take place on July 31 from 6-9pm, to which all gay men are welcome.
For more information contact 020 7794 7076 or visitogmg@ageconcerncamden.org.uk
Older Gay Men’s
Development Worker
Age Concern Camden
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