At mercy of developers
• WE have always known Arsenal Football Club has exerted undue influence over the council on major planning developments.
Bryantwood Road and Benwell Road are on the front line of the imminent redevelopment of Queensland Road.
To our knowledge, only two residents from these streets have been invited to a Stakeholders Workshop hosted by Arsenal, although we gather people have been invited from further afield.
What makes the situation even more insulting is that one of the carefully selected invitees from our streets is supposed to represent a group that once served the Nag’s Head area and which has long been defunct.
Council planning officers have heard nothing about Arsenal’s meeting and none of the local councillors has been invited.
Come on Islington Council, take control of this situation and make some attempt at protecting the interests of residents who are being manipulated by a greedy developer which thinks it can get away with anything.
Ed Allen
Jim Drake
Bryantwood Road, N7
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