Religious labelling
• WOULD that our politicians could see the wisdom of putting money into schemes such as the wonderful Venezuelan Sistema to give our children a proper grounding in the study of classical music and the life-enhancing benefits that come with it (Could Shostakovich save street kids? August 24).
But they would rather spend our taxes funding “faith” schools (An injustice we pay for, August 24). Everything one needs to know about religion can be learned through literature, history, art and music.
Religious education lessons should not be given separate curriculum time.
The proselytising of what is a private matter can be done elsewhere in mosques, synagogues, temples and the home.
How can segregation of young people by religion still be encouraged and funded by the state when we have examples such as Northern Ireland and its Protestant-Catholic rivalries?
How will we ever achieve real integration if people are labelled, from their earliest years, with the religion of their parents before they are capable of thinking for themselves?
Crouch Hill, N4
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