Dip into cash chest
• FOR the second year running, the west area committee of Islington Council has set up a community chest sub-committee to give out small grants to projects in Barnsbury, Caledonian, Holloway and St Mary’s wards.
We are particularly interested in funding organisations or groups of individuals who focus on improving the physical environment; the improvement of residents’ health and safety; raising educational achievement outside school; and improving skills and helping residents find work or contributing to renewal and regeneration.
Grants will normally be £3,000 or less (but can be up to £5,000 in special cases).
They cannot be used to cover recurring expenses such as salaries and the award of a grant to successful applicants does not imply that another one will be awarded in future years.
If you would like to know more or apply for a grant, contact Nodlaig Stoddart, Room G13, Islington Town Hall, Upper Street, N1 2UD, call 020 7527 3184 or email nodlaig.stoddart
Closing date is September 14.
Labour chair, West Area community chest sub-committee
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