Bombers groomed
• HOW can Niall Ward ignore the fact that Arab children in the Palestinian areas of Gaza and the West Bank are groomed from the cradle to become “martyrs”/suicide bombers and to kill as many Israelis as possible (A nation at war, August 31).
The education of Palestinian children is so well documented and is no secret; even the twisted leaders in Hamas brag about how young their “baby” bombers can be.
In 1948, the Soviet Union, the US and the UN all recognised the tiny state of Israel within 24 hours. Egypt and Jordan both have treaties with Israel as do many nations around the world.
China has crushed Islamic extremist politics within its borders and Hindu nationalism is intent on doing the same in India – Israel is a militarised state within a heavily militarised part of the world.
Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East and its critics and enemies are probably disappointed by the fact of its existence.
The same people will also never see the demise of the US as a world superpower, so Mr Ward can keep on dreaming.
Rosebery Avenue, EC1
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