Threat to our road
• THE Tribune report of my remarks at the north area planning committee’s consideration of the proposal to redevelop St Aloysius College contained a number of errors which, in the interest of accuracy, I should like to correct (Gated community unites in face of heavy lorry invasion, October 12).
First, the proposed development is estimated to take, not 69 weeks, but at least two years and includes Saturday morning working – thus adding to the disturbance.
Second, at the peak period of building work, the developers propose to send 45 lorries a week through the Thornbury Square access road (not 45 an hour as you reported) and one lorry an hour for a further 12 weeks.
The cumulative effect of all these movements on a private road which is not built for such a purpose (and for which, incidentally, we pay the maintenance) is desperately worrying.
It makes no sense to use this road for access. In addition to the noise, dirt, congestion and general disruption of residents’ rights to unfettered access to Thornbury Square, there are drains and sewers running under the road which, if blocked or damaged, could result in our homes being flooded.
It is also planned to erect a temporary building on the boundary of the school, just a few metres from our homes, which will scar our outlook.
The drilling and excavation involved will be highly intrusive and could also result in damage to houses and protected lime trees in our gardens. The developers have not offered to indemnify us against damage to our homes as a result of all these activities, merely to repair any damage to the road. No wonder we are concerned.
Finally, the report suggested that the planning meeting was “heated”. That was not my recollection. On the contrary, all present, including Thornbury Square residents, appeared to agree that redeveloping the school is a good thing in principle.
Furthermore, the committee unanimously agreed to defer consideration of the planning application as it stands, pending further information from the developers, including the availability of alternative access to the site, and greater safeguards for residents in the area.
Incidentally, your report also referred to me as “managing director” of Thornbury Square. While I am flattered by the elevation, I am simply a resident who was asked by my neighbours to speak on their behalf at the meeting.
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