Remember the fallen
• THIS year Remembrance Sunday falls on Armistice Day itself, November 11.
I should like as many people as possible to join me for the Remembrance Sunday parade and the inter-faith service at the War Memorial on Islington Green.
The parade begins at 10.40am and the two minutes’ silence will be observed at 11am. Afterwards, at 11.40am, there will be a short service at the War Memorial on Spa Green.
May I, through your columns, extend a particular welcome to former members of HM Armed Forces, from whatever generation, and to any serving members home on leave.
As the daughter of a World War II soldier I should also like to welcome former servicemen’s widows and children to the service.
The interests of the ex-service personnel and those currently serving are looked after by the Royal British Legion, which safeguards the welfare of the living and protects the memory of the dead.
Each year the Legion helps more than 300,000 people and its main source of income is the Poppy Appeal, which this year begins on Saturday, October 27.
May I urge readers to buy a poppy. If readers do not see anyone selling them, they can be bought at the Town Hall and at 222 Upper Street. If anyone can help by being a poppy seller, he or she should contact the Royal British Legion on 0800 085 5924.
The men and women who fought in World War II are now in their 80s and there are many people, currently not receiving help, whom the Legion would like to assist.
May I ask your readers to help make the difference.
Mayor of Islington
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