Lights go out at market
• LIB Dems on Islington Council often state that there is nothing they could do to preserve, maintain and encourage the special nature of Camden Passage market village.
On Saturday I had visitors from New York, Germany, Holland, France, Italy and many parts of the UK who were shocked and dismayed at our sudden demise.
The same happened only two years ago with the debacle of the Georgian Village.
The council could have considered using the product of a 1p rate (usable for any legal purpose) to take a lease on any of the now-lost premises and then rented out the shops and boutiques to small businesses.
It could have considered buying the buildings and running them as a business initiative.
I am sure if the will had been there some scheme to save and maintain this unique area could have been found. The simple fact is that one or two large ratepayers are more desirable to corporate Islington than 40 or 50 small businesses.
It seems to me very unlikely that people from the US, Japan, Europe and, now increasingly, China and Russia will have any reason to come to Camden Passage now.
As I started packing bags to clear my shop, I felt it ironic that the council had just finished putting up its Christmas lights – they will shine just as my shop goes dark.
Angel Arcade
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