Closure of side roads just adds to traffic congestion
• I ATTENDED the council meeting this week where changes to Highbury Corner were proposed. Most residents would welcome an improvement to this area, plus a new public square outside Highbury and Islington station, thanks to the removal of the post office.
However, it is disappointing that the cost of all this involves the closures of Highbury Station Road and/or Highbury Place. Both these roads are vital to the free circulation of traffic in Highbury.
If these roads are closed, it will divert more private transport along Upper Street and Highbury Grove. I speak as a bus user and I am fed up getting stuck in traffic jams along these roads because several side roads that would allow cars to move more easily around Highbury have been shut for a variety of dubious reasons. What would be terrible is if a small hard-core of anti-car agitators hijacked this proposed improvement of Highbury Corner to further their medieval ideas about transport.
I hope Highbury residents will make their views clear about any further road closures when they receive their consultation forms. As it stands now, I will be forced to choose option C, which recommends minimum change. If the threat of road closures was removed, then we could all be a lot more enthusiastic.
Tim Newark
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