Price of loyalty
• BRIDGET Fox should be the last person to accuse someone of a lack of independent mindedness (MP toes party line, October 26).
Let’s not forget that while she was deputy leader of Islington’s Lib Dem council she loyally implemented a rip-off parking system and allowed the building of luxury flats on parkland.
Not once did she speak out against any of these unpopular Lib Dem policies, but instead she actively supported them.
As result of her appalling record as a councillor, she received one of the largest swings against the Lib Dems in the country and lost her seat on the council. Perhaps she should try improving her own record before attacking others.
Tim McLoughlin
Highbury Grange, N5
• EMILY Thornberry’s supporters may claim she is a rebel on the Iraq war. Why then did Ms Thornberry vote with the government in June against having an independent inquiry into the war?
Jeremy Corbyn voted for an inquiry, as did all the Liberal Democrat and Conservative MPs. Ms Thornberry’s voting actions speak for themselves.
John Spencer Square, N1
• I DON'T care if Emily Thornberry uses £20,000 on postage, I just wish she would hold more advice surgeries (Stop counting envelopes, clean the streets, November 9).
At the moment she only holds two a month – less than other MPs.
So please can she give us more chances to come and speak to her.
Michael Smith
Address supplied
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