Ballot box confusion
• ELECTIONS for the board of Islington Leaseholders Association (ILA) are under way. But the ILA may not get off the ground.
That is, if Owen Hart has his way by getting the subscriptions struck down at the Leasehold Valuation Tribunal (LVT) (Axe this charge, November 16).
Mr Hart is asking the leaseholders of Central Street to elect him as a director of, yes, you’ve guessed it, Islington Leaseholders Association. But Mr Hart says in his manifesto he supports the LVT bid to determine whether the ILA levy is legal. Confusing isn’t it?
His Islington Leaseholder Action Group buddy Mike Read has been circulating emails to others standing in the elections, saying: “I can tell you with a reasonable degree of confidence that it’s never going to take place.”
Something doesn’t quite add up here. Does Mr Hart support the ILA? Presumably yes, otherwise why stand? On the other hand, does Mr Hart want to stop the ILA? Presumably yes, otherwise why go to court? Confusing isn’t it?
I suppose Mr Hart thinks the services we have proposed to offer leaseholders will all come for free.
We’re talking about a budget in the area of £200,000. This is serious money, it’s leaseholders’ money and it needs responsible management.
Homes for Islington (HfI) is already trying to undermine the ILA because it doesn’t want it to get off the ground. Mr Hart is doing HfI’s job for it. Yet he wants to represent leaseholders.
Confusing isn’t it?
Highbury New Park, N5
• OWEN Hart and Mike Read’s recent attempts to wreck the formation of an independently organised and funded leaseholders’ association in Islington are consistent with their inability to work with other more representative leaseholder groups in the borough.
The principal motivations of this isolated duo are not the interests of leaseholders collectively, but rather their right-wing, anti-working class convictions. It explains their frequent attacks on stalwart defenders of council tenants’ and leaseholders’ rights, directed particularly towards those who are former working-class tenant activists who exercised their right to buy and who understand well the problems shared by tenants and leaseholders in terms of unreasonable costs of privatised works and poor service delivery.
Margery Street, EC1
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