My mileage is low and my car old, yet I am penalised
• GREEN parking is a ridiculous statement – parked cars do not pollute the atmosphere (Green parking policy is result of listening... not preaching, November 30). Only cars that are being driven do so. Islington does not become cleaner by charging people to park their cars.
The majority of cars that pollute Islington are not from the area and possibly not from London. The drivers that use the A1, Seven Sisters Road and other main roads are not local people. The majority of local cars move out of the area and pollute elsewhere. > more |
£23m leisure centre plans threatened by credit crisis - THE roof has fallen in on the Finsbury Leisure Centre consultation on a £23 million rejuvenation because... > more
Clarkson speed test - I HEARD Jeremy Clarkson on the radio today claiming that a 20mph speed limit makes roads unsafer. > more
Friends are flagging - THE friends of a hospital should exist to raise funds and otherwise support the hospital concerned. > more |