Project will be viable
• I WOULD like to thank everyone who responded to the Finsbury Leisure Centre-Ironmonger Row Baths consultation. We sent out thousands of papers to residents in one of the biggest consultations ever undertaken by the council. We have had a really positive response and now we’re analysing the results.
This is just the first step in this process and there will be lots of chances for people to have their say throughout. However, I hope this consultation will give us a better idea of exactly what community facilities local people want from their leisure centre. We should be hearing the initial results at the south area committee meeting on March 11 next year.
There are risks attached to any major building project, but the council will now ensure the final proposal is both financially viable and able to give residents what they want (£23m leisure centre plans threatened by credit crisis, December 7).
I really look forward to working with the community in delivering this project.
Lib Dem, Bunhill ward
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